

Sr. AI / ML Engineer | Research Scientist | Quantum Computing Enthusiast

🌌 ⚛️ 💻 🔮

Professional Experience

Sr. AI / ML Engineer - NinjaTech Agency

Sep. 2024 - Present | Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Big Data / Machine Learning Engineer - Infosenseglobal Inc

Jan. 2022 - Present | Gandhinagar, Gujarat

AI / Machine Learning Engineer - Freelancing

Dec. 2020 – Dec 2021 | Remote

Robotics Researcher Internship - Zarp Labs

Jun. 2021 – Sep. 2021 | Varanasi, UP

Featured Projects

📊 Scalable Data Fusion Engine

Backend development of a scalable engine to fuse, process, and provide real-time data insights using FastAPI.

🚙 VehiSense Pro

Real-time vehicle monitoring and analysis with accident detection, parking analysis, and automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) using computer vision.

🚧 Roadway Solutions

Real-time object detection, depth estimation for potholes, and road segmentation using advanced computer vision models.

📝 Automated Resume Insights

Django-based NLP system automating resume parsing and candidate evaluation with high accuracy.

🎨 Image Inpainting Using GANs

Advanced image reconstruction using generative adversarial networks.

🌍 GIS Conflict Detection and Prediction

Detecting and predicting conflicts in roadway and trip location coordinates using GIS and machine learning techniques.

🚗 Turning Movement Count Estimation

Estimating vehicle turning movements and analyzing seasonality patterns using machine learning models.

💼 AI-Powered Interview Bot

Deep learning chatbot for automating interviews with aptitude and job-specific evaluations.

🤖 Voice-Assisted Chatbot Integration

Integrating Siri and Google Assistant chatbots with APIs for travel and incident data using Swift and Flutter Dart.

🚁 ESP32-based Drone Project

Integrated flight control and sensor management for drones using ESP32, LoRa, and MicroPython.

🏠 Smart Home Automation System

Voice-controlled and motion-detecting home automation system using Arduino and Kotlin-based smartphone app.

🌡️ Zabbix-Integrated Server Room Monitoring

Temperature monitoring and anomaly detection for server rooms using Zabbix and temperature sensors.

🛰️ Satellite Image Change Detection

Developed a system to detect spatial changes over time using satellite imagery and advanced image processing techniques. The solution combines deep learning models, clustering, and dimensionality reduction for environmental and urban insights.

Technical Skills

🧠 Machine Learning and Deep Learning

CNN, RNN, DNN, BNN, LSTM, SSD, GAN, DRL, Transformer

🗣️ NLP and Large Language Models

Spacy, NLTK, Transformers, Llama3.1, Groq, RLHF, Hugging Face

👁️ Computer Vision and Image Preprocessing

OpenCV, Yolo, Midas, Pillow

💻 Programming

Python, Rust, C/C++, Java (For Performance)

📊 Big Data and Data Engineering

SQL, NoSQL Databases

📡 IoT and Microcontrollers

ESP32, Arduino, LoRa

🎮 Game Development and Simulation Tools

Bevy, PyGame, Webots (Robotics Simulations), SUMO

📱 Mobile App Development

Android (Kotlin, Java), Cross-Platform (Flutter), iOS (Swift)

🌐 WebApp and API Development

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flet, Streamlit, Django, FastAPI, Flask

🗺️ GIS

QGIS, PostGIS, GeoPandas, Shapely

☁️ Google Cloud Products

Vertex AI, AutoML, Dialogflow ES, Cloud Run

Other Skills

🎨 Graphics Design and Animation

Photoshop, Illustrator, Inkscape, After Effects, Synfig Studio

💻 Other Technical Skills

Computer Architecture, Linux, GitLab CI/CD, Keycloak, PostgreSQL, MySQL

🔬 Research and Development

Project End to End Development and Deployment


Master of Science: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Ganpat University, Ahmedabad | 2020 - 2022

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Quantum Computing in ML

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Advanced Computer Vision Techniques

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